The Coder's Catnip

Follow an aspiring developer's adventures in programming, data science, and machine learning. From early gaming communities to exploring new career paths, my fascination with coding eventually drew me back to computer science. Although programming seemed challenging at first, its creative possibilities continued to motivate me. Now, after returning to school, I'm fully embracing this journey. Join me as I chronicle my path as a lifelong learner – sharing, projects, mindset shifts, and resources that help me progress from student to coder. You'll find motivational highs, frustrating lows, and everything in between. My goal is to pass on tools, inspiration, and community to empower aspiring developers. Let's explore this endless world of coding together!

Releasing your Inner Python – A Beginner’s Guide

Python trees, guy doing some data analysis at a desk in the middle of the jungle, TheCodersCatnip

Have you heard about Python? No, we are not talking about the constrictor snake that coils around the trees. We are referring to the programming language that has taken the world by storm! With a presence spanning three decades, Python is renowned for its simplicity, readability, and powerful capabilities. As a high-level programming language, it has gained popularity among beginners and experts alike. So, what sets Python apart? Let’s dive into it!

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the fundamental understanding of Python by providing a comprehensive overview of its capabilities, structure, and uses. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clearer view of what Python is all about and why it has become so popular.

The Foundation

Python’s fundamental philosophy emphasizes simplicity and readability. It revolves around the core principles of ‘POP’ – ‘Practicality,’ ‘Openness,’ and ‘Pythonicity.’ By prioritizing clear, concise code with little use of intricate syntax, Python stands out among other programming languages.

Python’s syntax is notably easier to understand compared to its counterparts, making it an ideal choice for beginners. Its code resembles readable English, which is a significant advantage for anyone new to coding.

Testing the Waters

As an excellent tool for software prototyping, Python offers fewer restrictions and saves time during development. This makes it a popular choice among new programmers. Not only can you experiment with your code in real time, but it also helps you develop and refine your skills before delving into more advanced programming languages.

The Usability

Job sectors that Python is used in –Net Section

Python is highly portable and can run on various platforms and systems, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. Additionally, Python boasts a wide range of third-party packages and libraries that facilitate integration with other applications, such as game development, scientific computing, and web development.

Python’s popularity has soared due to its ability to tackle complex tasks, including machine learning, data analysis, and automation. It has become an ideal language for professionals.

Python Libraries
Machine Learning Python Libraries –FireBlaze Schools

The Community

With a large and ever-growing community of developers worldwide, Python offers ample support and knowledge sharing. Numerous resources, such as books, documentation, forums, tutorials, and open-source projects, are available to assist with learning and coding practices. There is always someone ready to lend a helping hand.

Python’s extensive user base ensures continuous development and support throughout the years. The community keeps expanding, with new developers and users joining every day.

Job Opportunities

Python is a highly sought-after skill in the job market. Whether you are a data analyst or a software engineer, proficiency in Python can increase your chances of securing a job with a higher salary.

I feel this is on the higher side on the median but check it out at Glassdoor

What is Python’s global market value?

There are numerous reports available that offer valuable insights into the global significance of Python. According to Statista, Python ranked as the third most sought-after programming language by recruiters in 2022. Toptal’s Python hiring guide outlines the qualities that recruiters typically seek in exceptional Python developers.

Furthermore, Python’s dominance is reinforced by its position atop the Popularity of Programming Language Index (PYPL), surpassing even more familiar languages like Java. As an open-source language, Python is accessible to all, making it challenging to calculate its overall global market value. However, in domains such as data analytics, where Python finds extensive application, the projected market value is estimated to reach a staggering 655.5 billion by 2029.

Read more about Python Insights at FutureLearn

Python Job Market

Job postings provide a reliable indicator of a language’s demand, and Python, being one of the most widely used programming languages globally, boasts a robust job market. In recent years, Python has witnessed a significant surge in job opportunities. Glassdoor currently lists over 11,000 job advertisements worldwide for Python-related roles, while Indeed features approximately 14,000 such roles. Notably, the number of Python-related roles on Indeed is almost twice as high as those for Java, underscoring the vastness of the Python job market.

With more prominent companies adopting or continuing to utilize Python, the availability of Python-related roles is expected to rise even further.

Estimated growth

Python has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years. According to Github, its usage across the platform has seen a year-over-year increase of 22.5% in 2022.

In September 2018, there were approximately 7 million Python developers. By April 2019, this number had surpassed 8 million, surpassing the number of Java developers. Lockdown laws implemented worldwide further contributed to the surge in open source project contributions, nearly doubling Python usage.

Not only has Python exhibited astounding growth, but the markets it influences are also projected to expand. The big data analytics market is expected to reach an astounding amount of $103 billion by 2027!

Read more about Python’s growth stats at FutureLearn

The Growth Potential

Being an open-source language, Python is entirely free to use and distribute, without any additional charges or fees. This makes it an ideal choice for startups and organizations with limited budgets for software development. Moreover, Python is renowned for its lower development costs compared to many other popular programming languages.

Python has been embraced by tech companies worldwide, including Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook. For example, at Google, Python is utilized for search engine optimization, quality assurance testing, and building software applications. Python’s popularity is on the rise among developers and companies due to its rapid development time and readability.


Python offers a broad range of possibilities for programming beginners seeking an excellent language to kickstart their careers. It’s more than just a language – it’s a community and a smart investment.

Want to learn more about Python?

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If you want to kickstart your way into learning Python check out DataCamp~

DataCamp is where I first started to learn Python and a lot of my statistical knowledge. It’s especially useful if you are interested in using Python for data science, data analytics, and machine learning. Also, they have added a lot of new classes with a track in AI fundamentals and more! If you haven’t already click this link to check it out!

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