The Coder's Catnip

Follow an aspiring developer's adventures in programming, data science, and machine learning. From early gaming communities to exploring new career paths, my fascination with coding eventually drew me back to computer science. Although programming seemed challenging at first, its creative possibilities continued to motivate me. Now, after returning to school, I'm fully embracing this journey. Join me as I chronicle my path as a lifelong learner – sharing, projects, mindset shifts, and resources that help me progress from student to coder. You'll find motivational highs, frustrating lows, and everything in between. My goal is to pass on tools, inspiration, and community to empower aspiring developers. Let's explore this endless world of coding together!

The Daily Purr: Caring for Your Cats with a Break from Coding Consciousness

Daily writing prompt
Describe one habit that brings you joy.

Nothing beats coming home after a long day to be greeted by purrs and rubs from your feline companion. The unconditional love of a cat has a way of melting away stress and brightening even the gloomiest of moods. There’s something magical about having a cat curl up contentedly in your lap as you stroke their fur or hear them purr loudly while you give them a good scratch under their chin.

My cat Smokey sleeping on a blanket

Our cats become sources of great comfort, entertainment, and – yes – joy in our lives. A cat’s spirited leap into the air to snatch a dangling toy mouse or a gleeful chase after an imaginary foe fills us with amusement. And few sights instill such deep contentment as a cat curled up and basking lazily in a sunbeam. Our feline friends have mastered the art of living joyfully in the moment – a skill we humans should aspire to! From playtime to naptime, cats radiate a sense of comfort, amusement, and yes, undeniable joy that never fails to lift our spirits. Our furry companions have a way of making every day a little lighter.

While technology, vacations, and other indulgences can provide fleeting delight, it’s often the simple little habits we share with our furry friends day after day that bring the most lasting joy. The routines of caring for a pet soon become meaningful rituals that lift our spirits. Moments like filling up a cat’s food bowl and watching them savor mealtime with that signature feline enthusiasm, giving and receiving affection through brushing and cuddling, or just observing cats in their natural antics throughout the day have a way of sparking simple joy and keeping us feeling content.

Amiliah noticing something in the distance

Feeding time is often the highlight of a cat’s day. The way my Persian cat, Amiliah, consistently shows up punctually or even a little early with her demanding, louder-than-normal meows confirms this fact. On the other hand, my other cat, Smokey, eagerly dashes into the kitchen with intermittent meows when he senses it’s mealtime. It truly is one of the most delightful aspects of caring for my feline companions – the sweet melodies of their meows and the growing excitement I witness as I follow my routine of replenishing their food bowls. As I approach Smokey’s designated spot to place his bowls, he affectionately rubs against my legs, emitting excited meows, before darting over to his food spot and observing with anticipation as his bowl gradually descends before him. He then proceeds to devour his meal with gusto. Meanwhile, my regal Persian, Amiliah, gracefully lounges on the couch, waiting to be lifted like the princess she is and gently lowered onto the ground near her food bowls. She eats quickly, but not as fast as Smokey.

In conclusion, taking care of my cats every day is a habit that brings me joy. It is filled with moments of laughter and delight as I watch their personalities shine during mealtimes or when they curl up on my lap seeking affection. There’s something undeniably special about the bond between cats and humans that helps us appreciate each day for its wonderful little moments — something that can’t be bought or replicated.

One response to “The Daily Purr: Caring for Your Cats with a Break from Coding Consciousness”

  1. Aaawww! Cats are truly a blessing, and I love that they know it as much as we do! 😻

    Liked by 1 person

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