The Coder's Catnip

Follow an aspiring developer's adventures in programming, data science, and machine learning. From early gaming communities to exploring new career paths, my fascination with coding eventually drew me back to computer science. Although programming seemed challenging at first, its creative possibilities continued to motivate me. Now, after returning to school, I'm fully embracing this journey. Join me as I chronicle my path as a lifelong learner – sharing, projects, mindset shifts, and resources that help me progress from student to coder. You'll find motivational highs, frustrating lows, and everything in between. My goal is to pass on tools, inspiration, and community to empower aspiring developers. Let's explore this endless world of coding together!

The Power of Compassion: A Life Lesson Learned Too Late

We all have those lightning bolt moments when an important life lesson finally clicks into place. For me, that revelation came a few years ago, fundamentally shifting my perspective. Though the lesson was simple, it took me far too long to learn: compassion and empathy require moving beyond selfishness and truly connecting with others.

I deeply regret not realizing this sooner. How differently might my life and relationships have unfolded if I had led with genuine openness and understanding rather than assuming that everyone was untrustworthy and out to ruin my life? This realization transformed me in ways I’m still discovering today.

As a teenager, I believed I was a compassionate person simply because I did occasional favors for people. But in truth, I only went out of my way if it served me in some way. I prioritized my own desires above all else, preferring to play video games alone for hours rather than nourish my friendships.

Though I claimed to be there for people, my selfishness prevented me from truly connecting on a deeper level. Conversations were superficial because I was too self-absorbed in my own anxiety or depression to grasp anyone else’s pain or perspective. Friends learned they couldn’t rely on me, so they gradually stopped trying.

For years, I rationalized my isolation as other people’s fault. It was easier to play the victim than acknowledge my own role. My constant insecurity made me assume everyone was untrustworthy and out to undermine me. I was my own worst enemy.

My wake-up call came when a close friend sat me down and candidly called me out. “You have to move beyond your own world if you ever want to have real relationships.”

His words stung, but rang true. I was selfishly coasting through life, never giving more than the bare minimum. If I wanted compassionate friends, I had to become a compassionate person myself. I made a vow to push past my perpetual self-focus and truly connect with people.

It was not an easy shift. I consciously worked on listening attentively, proactively supporting others, and imagining situations from their perspective, not just my own. Gradually, my relationships deepened as I nurtured true companionship. My life grew richer as I unlocked the power of mutual care and understanding.

I wish I had become a more selfless, caring person sooner, but we all learn life’s lessons in our own time and way. With hindsight, I see how easy it is to fall into selfish patterns without even realizing it. But we can always choose to change course. My life today is brighter for finally living with heartfelt compassion. I hope my experience inspires others to nurture empathy. The rewards are limitless.

3 responses to “The Power of Compassion: A Life Lesson Learned Too Late”

  1. Ohh.. I’m a teen and this is only going in my life too!!🌼


    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and share your thoughts. I’m touched to hear my story resonated with you as a fellow teenager. It makes me happy to know my reflections could be meaningful or helpful to you in some small way.

      I completely understand how self-absorption, anxiety, and insecurity can make it challenging to truly connect with others during the teenage years. But the great thing is, you have so much life ahead of you! I wish I had gained these insights sooner. The fact that you are already reflecting on these themes of compassion and relationships is wonderful.

      My biggest piece of advice is to keep nurturing your self-awareness. Check in honestly with yourself about whether you are thinking of others’ perspectives and being a caring friend. It’s a lifelong process, but the more mindful we become, the more our interactions and relationships blossom.

      Sending you sunshine and positivity! Jasleen ♡

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Awwww.. That’s so sweet of you Ms.Michelle❤️.
        Thank you so much for your wonderful advice. I’ll surely remember it and work upon myself.
        Sending you loads of love!

        Liked by 1 person

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