The Coder's Catnip

Follow an aspiring developer's adventures in programming, data science, and machine learning. From early gaming communities to exploring new career paths, my fascination with coding eventually drew me back to computer science. Although programming seemed challenging at first, its creative possibilities continued to motivate me. Now, after returning to school, I'm fully embracing this journey. Join me as I chronicle my path as a lifelong learner – sharing, projects, mindset shifts, and resources that help me progress from student to coder. You'll find motivational highs, frustrating lows, and everything in between. My goal is to pass on tools, inspiration, and community to empower aspiring developers. Let's explore this endless world of coding together!

The First Time I Truly Felt Like an Adult

Daily writing prompt
When was the first time you really felt like a grown up (if ever)?

I became a force to be reckoned with, armed with the knowledge that I could conquer any challenge that came my way. It was as if a switch had been flipped, and suddenly, I felt I was no longer the naïve young person I once was. I had transformed into a resilient, determined adult who was ready to take on the world.

The journey to adulthood began with the shattering of my marriage. It was a devastating blow that turned my life upside down in an instant. Suddenly, I found myself questioning everything I thought I knew about love, responsibility, and my own identity. But amidst the chaos, I discovered a strength within myself that I never knew existed.

Dealing with my ex-husband’s severe mental health issues was a battle in itself. There was a moment when I had to make a tough decision, like sending him to the hospital for his own safety. It was a heartbreaking experience, but it taught me the importance of taking care of myself and setting boundaries.

On top of that, I had to navigate the challenges of my former mother-in-law’s Alzheimer’s disease. I became her caretaker, managing her condition during my time of marriage. It was a juggling act that required immense strength and resilience.

And if that wasn’t enough, I also faced financial hardship when I lost my job due to the end of my work contract. The rug was suddenly pulled out from under me. I had to figure out how to provide for myself without a steady income. It was incredibly difficult to come to terms with my new reality. I found myself leaning on support from unexpected places. Relying on others was humbling, but their help got me through the darkest moments. I became adept at stretching every dollar and getting creative with limited resources. It forced ingenuity and adaptability. Though daunting, overcoming those financial challenges made me more resilient.

Through it all, I never lost sight of education. I made the decision to return to school, and it was a turning point in my journey to adulthood. With fresh eyes, I could see the mistakes I had made in the past and the areas where I needed to improve. I took responsibility for my academic shortcomings and made a vow to myself to do better.

I approached my studies with a newfound dedication and work ethic. I understood that success would require hard work, discipline, and a commitment to continuous learning. I embraced the idea of building a solid foundation of knowledge, layer by layer, just like constructing a sturdy pyramid. No more cutting corners or taking shortcuts – I was determined to do things the right way this time.

And as I delved deeper into my studies, I discovered the power of time management. I implemented routines, avoided procrastination traps, and fully dedicated myself to learning. Channeling this sense of responsibility filled me with pride. For the first time, I felt capable of achieving my goals the adult way.

With these monumental challenges packed into my 20s, the first seeds of adulthood have taken root within me. I’m no longer the same girl I was – a more seasoned version blossoms in her place. It took me until I developed my time management skills for me to really take in the fact I might actually be an adult now.

Though the path has taken many twists and turns, I can now look back with gratitude. My struggles forced me to evolve into who I am today and I know there are greater depths of maturity waiting down the line. For now, I’m ready to embrace the ongoing journey of becoming my fullest self. Though I still have quite a bit to go, I have been profoundly changed by overcoming what I have. I’m excited to see who I continue becoming.

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I’m always on the lookout for fresh learning materials. Whether it’s blogging, data science, productivity, personal growth, AI, or coding. If that piques your interest, sign up for my Newsletter and connect with me on social media to stay updated!


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